Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cal Cunningham Caption Contest

Taking a break today from exposing the day to day lies and distortions of the Cal Cunningham campaign to play a little game. A caption contest on Cal Cunningham's newest Facebook picture.

Something about this photo screams "ummm, no..." so feel free to suggest your caption for this photo.

The winner will get a lifetime supply of "LOLz".

FWIW, my entry is:
"I find your lack of faith in the DSCC disturbing."
ALA, this guy...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why is Cal Cunningham the only candidate REFUSING to use union literature?

More literature exposing Cal Cunningham's anti-union practices:

Again, no union bug. Now compare that to Cunningham's opponents, Elaine Marshall and Ken Lewis -- both have union bugs:

It's time for Cal Cunningham to walk the walk instead of talk the talk. If you claim you'll support unions in Washington, why won't you support them in North Carolina by using union printers? Doesn't make sense...

Why doesn't Cal Cunningham support unions?

Nabbed this at a recent Cal Cunningham event. No union bug...

In fact, I have yet to see a Cal Cunningham literature piece WITH a union bug.

Actions speak louder than words. If you ACTUALLY support North Carolina unions then you should be using union printers.

But then again, this is just another example of Cal Cunningham saying one thing and doing another.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Cal Cunningham nose dives in latest poll

Poking holes in Cal Cunningham's fake electability argument is a new poll from Rasmussen this morning. His numbers have dropped dramatically, presumably because voters are learning more about the real Cal Cunningham.

The numbers:

Richard Burr 51%
Cal Cunningham 29%

That's twenty-two points overall and a five point drop in one month.

The leader in the Democratic primary, Elaine Marshall, sports much stronger numbers polling at 36% with much more room to grow. Ken Lewis wasn't included in the poll, but he's polled better as well in the past.

But that doesn't stop Cal Cunningham from outright lying to the voters:
"We've got a primary in 69 short days, but I'm telling you folks, I'm the Democrat who's prepared to take on Richard Burr," he said.
Sigh. Are you surprised yet?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cal Cunningham has an attendance problem

Just another story detailing the litany of lies from Cal Cunningham's campaign for U.S. Senate. As you might have heard, Senator Burr missed a crucial vote this week on the $15 billion jobs bill that passed yesterday. (FWIW: It was a process vote, he voted "yes" on the final bill.)

That was when Cal Cunningham LEAPED into action. In a move I'm sure had nothing to do with building his email list, Cal Cunningham blasted out the following message...
Thousands of unemployed and underemployed North Carolinians would give anything for a good-paying job, yet Richard Burr won't even bother to show up for his own. Instead, he decided to hold a kick off event for his reelection campaign, where he told supporters that jobs are his number one priority...

Please e-mail Senator Burr to ask him to support legislation to create and restore American jobs -- or if he even plans on showing up for the final vote on the current jobs bill.
Fair enough, and it sounds good and all, but Cal Cunningham shouldn't be casting the first stone on this one. Years ago in the State Senate, Cal Cunningham had a bit of an attendance problem. I spent some time and dug up his attendance.

In his one term in the legislature...
-- Cal Cunningham missed a 172 votes (that's a lot)

-- Cal Cunningham didn't show up for 25 days in August of 2002

-- Cal Cunningham was paid $2,600 of taxpayer monies for his missing 25 days

-- Cal Cunningham was made aware of this error, and refused to return the money even after a fellow Senator made the same error and promptly returned the money
[Information pulled from News and Observer on September 3rd, 2002]

Just another example of the kind of Senator Cal Cunningham will be.

Bueller? Bueller?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cal Cunningham's love/hate relationship with lobbyists

Here's a good one for you still learning about the real Cal Cunningham.

A weeks away ago our dear fighter Cal Cunningham challenged the status quo (sic) and called out Senator Burr for his deep ties to corporate lobbyists.

Noble, really...
And last week Karl Rove swooped in for a closed-door fundraising event that raised Burr a whopping $425,000. At over $1,500 a plate, the Washington insiders and corporate elites on the guest list know they're getting their money's worth with Richard Burr in the Senate.

[Via Campaign Email on January 31st, 2010]
But wait just a minutes sports fans. Turns out the same people Cal Cunningham is attacking are the same corporate lobbyists and Washington insiders who held a fundraiser for him just FOUR DAYS before he sent out this email. Don't believe me, here were the details...
Kelly Bingel & Jonathon Jones

Cordially Invite you to a Meet and Greet with Cal Cunningham Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate - NC

For more information about Cal visit
Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 3:30 PM
At the Office of Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti
1341 G Street, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Some fun facts about that crowd...
-- Mehlman is the brother of former RNC chair Ken Mehlman. Open Secrets reports that 30% of their 2009 lobbying revenue came from healthcare-related corporate lobbyists i.e. anti-HCR, AHIP, PhARMA, etc... One can only assume Cal Cunningham left this fundraiser with a firm belief in passing health care reform. (Not.)

-- Kelly Bingel is Blanche Lincoln's former Chief of State. Do I really have to go on?

-- Jonathon Jones works with the DLC and Third Way, those bastions of conservadem thinking. Essentially the same people who've worked everyday to derail the Obama agenda.
...and Cal Cunningham wants to be my latex salesman Senator!

Seriously, it's time Cal Cunningham stops the typical Washington-style campaign and either drop out, or start telling the truth. North Carolina doesn't need another faux politician like him lining the halls of Congress.

Give up on it already.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Faux Cal

Welcome to Faux Cal.

Here I, the faux Cal Cunningham, will chronicle the hypocritical Senate run of the real Cal Cunningham. I'll detail the lies, exaggerations, doublespeak, hidden agendas, and all around faux nature of the real Cal Cunningham. Should be a blast.

Stay tuned.